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Independent Reading Project

Reading Response Entries--5 Points Each
Reading Response Activities--10 Points Each
Your independent reading score will be based on the following points earned.
  • 60 points = 100%
  • 50 points = 85%
  • 40 points = 75%
  • 30 points = 65%

Directions:  As you read, make note of any line, sentence or section that jumps out at you.  Write a brief note to yourself on a post-it or a piece of notebook paper so you can remember what you were thinking.  (If nothing "jumps out" at you by the time you have finished reading, go back and FIND something to respond to.)

When you have finished reading, write out the Reading Response Entry fully on paper:  EACH ENTRY MUST:


  1.  Include an original thought about the piece of text you are responding to.

  2. Give the page number, paragraph or line number of the part you are responding to.

  3. Mention which type of RR entry you are using (see attachment).

  4. Follow the pattern of a QuickWrite.

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